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时间:2024-09-18 17:14:51 作者:储老师

学历提升 2024年浙江成人高考正在备考阶段,请广大考生关注“浙江成考网”,及时获取模拟试题、历年真题、最新浙江成人高考成绩、浙江成人高考报名、浙江成人高考备考经验等信息!


1. She apologized for _____ the party.

A. not her being able to attend

B. her not being able to attend

C. her being able not to attend

D. her being notable to attend

2. I advised _____ , but he turned me a deaf ear.

A. him not to smoke again

B. him to smoke not again

C. him to not smoke again

D. not him to smoke again

3. Weighing five hundred pounds, _____.

A. the cupboard could not be moved.

B. she could not move the cupboard.

C. the cupboard was too heavy for one person to move.

D. the cupboard was unable to move.

4. Asked about the new play, ____.

A. his answer was confident

B. he was confidently answered

C. he answered confidently

D. his answers were confident

5. _____ black clouds covering the sky, he stopped his work and went home.

A. To see

B. Having been seeing

C. Seeing

D. having to see

6. _____ , the inhabitants fled.

A. The city taken

B. The city having been taken

C. Having taken the city

D. The city being taken

7. _____ , he works very late at nigh.

A. Having been choosing director

B. Choosing director

C. Having chosen director

D. Being chosen director

8. Does he have difficulty _____ English?

A. to speak

B. speak

C. speaking

D. spoke

9. In winter we go _____ on the hill.

A. skiing

B. to ski

C. ski

D. for ski

10. She _____ playing volley-ball very much.

A. has

B. wants

C. lets

D. enjoys

11. The reason _____ I can’t come is that I have to prepare for the coming exam.

A. for

B. as

C. because

D. why

12. She studied hard at school when she was young; _____ contributes to her success in her career.

A. that

B. so that

C. so

D. which

13. Sound waves travel in the air in much the same way _____ water waves spread on the water.

A. as

B. that

C. where

D. in which

14. I’ve got a bottle of beer, but I haven’t got anything _____ I can open it with.

A. that

B. what

C. where

D. which

15. Writers can accurately describe objects ______ have never seen.

A. who

B. if they

C. they

D. that

16. It wasn’t such a good present _____ he had promised me.

A. that

B. as

C. which

D. what

17. Perhaps the day will come _____ people will be able to breathe clean air in cities.

A. when

B. while

C. as

D. since

18. To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series of questions, _____ has only one correct answer.

A. each of which

B. some of which

C. which

D. what

19. A higher crime rate exists in cities _____ a large percentage of unemployment.

A. where have

B. that have

C. which they have

D. that having

20. Scientists call Newton’s idea _____ gravitation reaches throughout the universe the law of universal gravitation.

A. when

B. which

C. that

D. where


1. B 她为没能参加那次聚会而道歉。apologize for 为……而道歉;for 为介词,后跟名词或动名词,动名词的否定式是其前面直接加否定词not,故B正确。

2. A 我再次建议他不要再吸烟了,但他好像没有听到一样。turn sb a deaf ear 不听某人的话。advise sb (not) to do sth 建议某人(不要)做某事。注意:不定式的否定式也是其前面直接加否定词not, 故A正确。

3. C cupboard 小橱,碗橱; 那个碗橱有五百磅重,要想移动对于个人来说是太重了。我们看B选项:she could not move the cupboard. 这句本身没有错误,但是分词Weighing five hundred pounds,的逻辑主语不是她(she),而是the cupboard。分词短语做状语时,其逻辑主语要和主句主语保持一致.

4.C 被问及这次新的演出时,他回答得很自信。Confidently 是副词,修饰动词answer,放在动词前面后面都可以。过去分词做状语,含被动意义,这里asked的逻辑主语是he, 而不是his answer. 故A, D排除,再看:B, C , “他回答”是主动语态,所以B项被动形式错误,正确答案为:C。

5.C 看到乌云遮盖了天空,他就停下工作回家了。现在分词做伴随状语,其逻辑主语是主句主语:he. 主动语态,故C正确.B被动形式排除.选项A是不定式形式,表目的,将来要发生的动作,译为:为了要看乌云遮盖天空,他......显然不合题意。D.没有这种用法.

6. B fled 的原形是:flee , 意思是"逃走,逃避";这个城市被占领了,居民们就四处逃生了.这是一个独立主格结构,两句的主语不是一个.

7. D 由于被选为主任,他晚上工作到很晚.Being chosen director现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句:Because he was chosen director.

8. C 他在学习英语上有困难吗?have difficulty (in) doing 干什么有困难;其中in 可以略.固定短语,故C正确.

9. A 冬季我们去山上滑雪. go skiing 去滑雪;

10.D 她非常喜欢打排球;enjoy doing sth 喜欢干什么事.

11. D 我不能来来的原因是我必须得为马上来临的考试做准备了.reason 原因,why 引导原因状语从句。

12. D 年轻时她在学样学习很用功,这对她在以后的职业生涯中取得成功有很大贡献。这是非限制性定语从句,前面整个句子做先行词,则定语从句只能用关系代词which,故选D。

13. A 声波在空气中的传播跟在水面的传播方式是一样的。As引导方式状语从句。引导方式状语从句的从属连词有:as, as if, as though, just as等。

14. D 我买了一瓶啤酒,但是我没有什么东西用来打开它。句子“I can open it with”中缺少宾语,关系代词前有介词时:指人就用whom,指物就用which,故选择:D。

15. C 作家们能准确地描述出他们曾见过的事物的特征。

16. B 这个礼物并不像他曾许诺我的那样好。such……as…… 如此……像什么一样;

17. A 或许这样的日子就会来临,人们在城市里能够呼吸到新鲜空气。When引导时间状语从句。

18. A 为了组织一场客观的测试,老师写了一系列问题,每个问题只有一个正确的答案。each of which 这些问题中的每一个,非限制性定语从句中“which”这个关系代词代指前面的“a series of questions”。形式也对,但句子谓语用的是has,是单数,故A正确。

19. B 更高的犯罪率存在于城市那些大量的无业游民中。分析:这个选项我们不要被空格前的in cities所迷惑了,否则一下就选用地点状语引导词where了,这样句子就不正确了,因为关系副词是不能做主语的,D排除;关系代词在句子中可以作主语,C选项,我们代入句子看看,主语重复了, which 和they都是充当主语,并列这样用,是根本生不通的。D选项谓语动词不能用分词形式,分词本身词性就是不动词,怎么能充当谓语。答案为:B。

20. C 科学家们称牛顿的引力存在整个宇宙空间的理论思想为万有引力定律。“Call sth sth……” 意为:“称……为……”;我们把句子简化为:Scientists call Newton’s idea the law of universal gravitation. 科学家们称牛顿的思想为万有引力定律;显然,先行词是idea, 而它充当的是宾语,用which或that来引导,在该类题中,如果既给出which又给出that供选择时,应以选that为正确答案。








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